A few success stories

Energy & Environment
ICT & Digital
Life Sciences & Health
Nutrition & FoodTech
Precision Engineering


This Vaud-based medtech company uses nanofluidic technology to speed up the blood-test process and get quicker medical diagnostics. Founded in 2010, Abionic is a rapidly-developing start-up that is now looking to expand its horizons internationally.


Née dans les laboratoires de l’EPFL, Artmyn séduit aujourd’hui musées, maisons de ventes aux enchères et collectionneurs dans le monde entier. Sa technologie inédite permet de numériser des oeuvres d’art en très haute résolution.

Aspivix: améliorer la qualité des soins prodigués aux femmes

Accéder au col de l’utérus tout en diminuant l’appréhension et la douleur des femmes, en particulier lors de la pose d’un stérilet : telle est la proposition de valeur d’Aspivix, une startup fondée en 2015 par Julien Finci, David Finci et Mathieu Horras.


CleanGreens uses new environmentally-friendly technologies including a mobile aeroponic system that is unique in the world. Lettuce and aromatic herbs are sprayed with water and nutrients using retractable vertical nozzles.


The Vaud-based startup CYSEC secures sensitive data processed by companies. The company has the ambition to be a European leader in this eld and is working on the future European cloud project.


DEPsys has developed a smart grid management solution. Building on its robust growth in Switzerland, DEPsys now aims to expand globally.


This company has designed a robot which can detect and eliminate weeds using a camera which scans the various crops. The device is also capable of navigating autonomously in between rows of crops.


Plus sûrs, plus rapides et moins coûteux: les drones de la start-up<br />vaudoise Flyability ont conquis le marché de la vérification d’installations difficiles d’accès.

Golden Chlorella : une micro-algue protéinée dans votre assiette

Promouvoir une alimentation saine tout en préservant l’environnement. Telle est l’ambition de Golden Chlorella, une entreprise fondée en septembre 2016 par Mine Uran et Majbrit Byskov-Bridge. Au cœur de leur innovation : une micro-algue riche en protéines, en minéraux et en vitamines. « Mine a étudié plus de 2'500 sources de micro-algues avant de se lancer dans la production de la Golden Chlorella, indique Nina Müller, chef de développement produits. Cette micro-algue possède des propriétés exceptionnelles, qui en font une source de nutri-ment naturelle et complète. »


The Vaud-based scale-up innovates in the field of connectivity. Its technology allows more data to be transferred while reducing energy consumption.

KOMP-ACT: Electrifying industries from ground to sky

Actuators are the unsung heroes of the manufacturing industry. These little powerhouses work behind the scenes to activate moving parts in equipment ranging from food-packaging machines and robotic arms to the landing gear on airplanes. But surprisingly for the digital age, the technology in use today hasn’t changed since the 1920s: pneumatic devices running on compressed air. KOMP-ACT’s electric actuators are set to change all that – and slash companies’ operating costs by a factor of ten.

Largo Films : l’intelligence artificielle au service du cinéma

Fondée en février 2018, Largo Films a pour objectif de mettre l’innovation technologique au service de l’industrie du cinéma. La start-up vaudoise a développé LargoAI, un puissant programme d'intelligence artificielle, piloté par les données, capables de comprendre les ingrédients d'un film et de prédire la réaction du public à chaque partie. L’outil peut être introduit très tôt dans la vie d'un film afin d’aider à l’améliorer, à chaque étape de son développement.


Lunaphore has developed a device used to analyze and identify cancerous tissue in less than 15 minutes. The startup plans to market its technology to hospitals and research labs.


MindMaze is a spin-off from the EPFL which has revolutionized neurological treatment. The start-up’s neurological retraining system is behind its rise to prominence in the unicorn category, i.e., new companies worth over a billion dollars.


NetGuardians is a fintech company based in Yverdon-les-Bains that is renowned for its fraud prevention and risk-attenuation solutions. Its main innovation is its ability to detect fraud before it occurs by means of behavioral analysis technology.


This Lausanne-based company provides businesses with a solution for their digital experience management. They are a software provider that gives their clients the information they require to limit their costs, reduce their IT issues, and ensure data security.


SenseFly is based in Cheseaux and has enjoyed rapid growth to become the world leader in drones for professional usage. Its products can map large areas with high precision and in 3D, as well as inspect buildings and works of art.

Sophia Genetics

This company is a pioneer in personalized genetic medicine, breaking down and analyzing patients’ molecular data and then providing a diagnostic and suggesting personalized treatment. This particularly applies to cancers and various hereditary illnesses.

SpotMe, créateur d’outils numériques d’engagement

SpotMe a rejoint les entreprises vaudoises détentrices du label Scale Up Vaud. Après plusieurs virages réussis, l'entreprise s'est spécialisée dans le domaine des événements. Sa plate-forme permet à toute organisation de créer son application et la mettre à disposition en ligne.


The Vaud-based biotechnology company designs rapid tests for the food industry to verify product quality.


Swissto12 has firmly established its position as a promising startup in the aerospace and satellite industry thanks to its innovative 3D printing technology.