They have been supported by the FIT

Since 1994, the FIT has awarded almost 500 grants and loans for a total of over 68 million Swiss francs. In 2023, 30 FIT alumni start-ups are among the TOP 100 Swiss start-ups.
The FIT supports projects in information and communication technologies (ICT), cleantech, life sciences, industry, digital (since 2018) and social impact (since 2023) at various stages of their development.

Learn more about the start-ups we support

Meet FIT Startups - sustainable future

A few success stories


ecoRobotix uses artificial intelligence and precision robotics to help farmers reduce their environmental impact, especially the use of chemicals in the field.


NetGuardians is a fintech company based in Yverdon-les-Bains that is renowned for its fraud prevention and risk-attenuation solutions. Its main innovation is its ability to detect fraud before it occurs by means of behavioral analysis technology.


Plus sûrs, plus rapides et moins coûteux: les drones de la start-up<br />vaudoise Flyability ont conquis le marché de la vérification d’installations difficiles d’accès.