Digital Growth
Loan of CHF 200’000
Set up and execute the first growth strategies
Objectives :
- Implement and execute initial growth strategies
- Validate the entrepreneur's ability to complete the team
- Validate the entrepreneur's ability to raise funds and generate a turnover of around 30'000 per month
Prerequisite :
- Innovation: ability to demonstrate that the business model is innovative, difficult to imitate and with strong growth potential
- Team: 5+ people (FTE 3) with in-house technology expertise
- Product: functional, scalable and replicable version
- Funds available: fundraising of min. CHF 200'000 - max. CHF 2 million by the startup
- Location: potential of 10+ jobs created in the Canton of Vaud
- Company status: max 36 months after creation (RC).
Financing terms:
- 2% interest
- Repayable over 5 years
- 10-year conversion option on 25% of the loan, at the share price of the round that the FIT matches
- Minimum payback of 25% nominal + CHF 30K